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Literatur > Concise Guide to Group Psychotherapy (Concise Guides / American Psychiatric Press)

von Sophia Vinogradov, Irvin D. Yalom
Edition: 1st Ed
Publisher: American Psychiatric Press Inc.
Year of publication: 1989
ISBN: 088048327X
   (1 Bewertung von Expert*innen)   1 Kommentar

Kommentare und Bewertungen zu diesem Buch

Essential book to group therapy written by the famous novellist and psychiatrist. His focus is existentialist.

novels: When Nietzsche wept / Lying on the Couch ...
experimental writing: Everyday get´s a little closer (Dr. Yalom invited a patient to co-write about the experience of therapy. The book has two distinct voices which are looking at the same experience in alternating sections.)
Anna Irene Gubo

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